Yoshi's Island Background

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< Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

The background of Yoshi's Island is an overwhelming pastel orange/peach colour. There are lots of swirly suns and clouds that look like they are made by a five-year-old (a lot of five-year-olds can draw better than that). The bottom of the background depicts mountains and also waves on an ocean. Oct 11, 2015  Yoshi's Island Background Pack by h2643. Post by h2643 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 1:17 pm. This community always needed one. So yeah, I finally managed to rip every (I hope) background from one SNES game, called Yoshi's Island. This pack contains a lot of backgrounds from Yoshi's Island and it took a really long time to rip them. There are more than.

This is a sub-page of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

  • 1Unused Background Graphics
  • 2Unused Background Palettes

Unused Background Graphics

Layer 2


Use the Pro Action Replay code 7E013AXX to change the Layer 2 background, and 7E013CXX to change the background palette.

Background ID:05
Palette ID:05
An unused background image with pink trees and a lot of clouds. This background has many different layers of parallax scrolling: The trees, cloud top, and the first 6 rows of clouds all scroll at different speeds.

Background ID:0C
Palette ID:0C
An earlier, less detailed version of the existing jungle background.

The grassy cave background has some content that is never seen in the game. This background is usually set against a black background gradient, so the trees at the top are never seen. The only level in which this background is set against a non-black gradient is in World 2-8, and the room it appears in is not tall enough to display the top of the background.

The pine forest background first seen in World 2-1 also has unseen content. The more traditional style clouds are located at the top of the background image, never seen in-game.

These tiles are found in the same background bank as the final jungle background. This may have been part of an even earlier jungle background, from the period of development before the art style changed. Unfortunately, every other tile of this earlier background seems to have been overwritten.

Layer 3

Use the Pro Action Replay code 7E013EXX to change the Layer 3 background, and 7E0140XX to change the background palette.

Background ID:05
(Palette ID unknown)
Just some dots. Unused dots, but still dots. (Snow, perhaps?)

Background ID:0E
(Palette ID unknown)
Another unused, less detailed jungle background image. The foliage and trees scroll at different speeds.

This works well when combined with the unused layer 2 jungle image.

Yoshi's island mini boss. Background ID:0F
Palette ID:09
Some scratchy mountains set against clouds. This could have been used in World 5, but isn't.

Background ID:17
Palette ID:17
An unused background layer consisting of many stones.

Yoshis Island Backgrounds

Background ID:1E
Palette ID:18
A variant of the background used in the first room of World 6-8. The black clouds are not seen in the used version of this background, and the moon in this version scrolls, unlike the stationary moon in the final version.

Background ID:2F
Palette ID:32
This game uses many different cloud background images, but this one is never used.

The Starry Night background has some hills at the bottom, but in normal play they're always obscured by a Layer 2 image.

The actual background used in World 6-8 has some unused content as well. The moon is fully rendered, though only part of it can be seen in normal play, and a gathering of upside-down clouds is just above that. The smiling clouds are just a result of the wrong set of animated cloud graphics being loaded.

Just like the above background, upside-down clouds can be found in the sunset background. It is used three times in 6-1, and each time loads a different set of clouds. In the first room, it displays smiling clouds. In the second room, the clouds are garbled blocks. In the third room, it displays the clouds seen here.

Yoshi Island Background Sprite

Unused Background Palettes

Background Gradients

Use Pro Action Replay code 7E0134XX to change the background gradient.

A good number of solid color backgrounds are not used. Gradient IDs follow:

Light Blue: 03
Sky Blue: 04
Red: 06
Pastel Green: 08
Lavender: 09
Pink: 0B
Blue: 0C
Tan: 0D
Ecru: 0E

  • Pink & Purple
    (ID #11)

  • Sunset
    (ID #17)

  • Blue-Green & Light Green
    (ID #1D)

Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island Background

Three background gradients are likewise unused.

Layer 2

Use Pro Action Replay code 7E013CXX to change the background palette.

Palette ID:0B
Unused daytime version of this background. The palette used in-game is a sunset palette.

(Source: Mattrizzle)

Palette ID:1E
Pink variation of these spiral blocks found in certain levels.

(Source: Mattrizzle)

Palette ID:27
An unused autumn version of the mountain background seen in World 1-1 and many other parts of the game.

(Source: Mattrizzle)

Palette ID:2A
A view of the ocean with a dark green palette.

(Source: Mattrizzle)

Palette ID:2D
An odd purple and red variation of the standard jungle background.

(Source: Mattrizzle)

Layer 3

Use Pro Action Replay code 7E0140XX to change the background palette.

Palette ID:38
An unused silver palette for the castle towers and candles Layer 3 seen in 2-8, 4-8 and the last room of 6-7.

Palette IDs:15, 16
Lighter and darker palette variations for the crystals found at the bottom of some crystalline cave rooms.

Palette IDs:28, 29
Brown(?!) and light blue color variations of the wavy water layer.

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This is based on opinion. Please don't list it on a work's trope example list.

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Don't be fooled by its cutesyappearance.Yoshi's Island has manyfrightening elements.
  • The Castle/Fortress Theme which creates an effective atmosphere for the level's boss fight. Some castle/fortress levels have a passageway between the red doors and the boss fight, with this eerie music setting the tone.
  • If Yoshi is hit, Baby Mario is suddenly caught in a flying bubble, wailing desperately, as the player tries to get him back before the Toadies catch him and fly away with him. To make matters worse, some enemies will attempt to take Baby Mario when he's in the air or just plainly swipe him off Yoshi's saddle. The accompanying sound effect doesn't make things any better.
  • Neglecting to retrieve Baby Mario in time rewards you with an image that consists of the Toadies carrying Baby Mario away against a black background, with one of them snickering at you before they take off. The noise they make doesn't help.
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  • The motif that plays whenever Yoshi gets an instant death (e.g., falling into a bottomless pit, touching a thorn or lava, landing on spikes). When this happens, the screen transitions to black through a swift horizontal zig-zag wipe effect. It is really unsettling, and the high-pitched version featured in the enhanced GBA port is no better.
  • The 'Game Over' screen shows 'GAME OVER' in a deranged font zooming in and rotating in random directions. The same animation repeats itself several times afterward until you either continue the game or shut it off. The depressing piano ditty that plays under it and the fact that SNES games with pre-rendered 3D graphics were in their relative infancy only make this worse.
  • The threat of being eaten occurs quite a bit. A boss battle occurs in a frog's stomach and Piranha Plants will try to swallow Yoshi whole, as will the giant catfish lurking in the waters of several jungle levels. There are also a few chase scenes in which a gigantic Chain Chomp is out to eat Yoshi (and the very ground you stand on).
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  • Kamek would enlarge small creatures in the boss battles. The transformations were complete with music that suggested 'time to die'.
  • The falling walls in Burt's fort which will crush Yoshi if he's underneath one.
  • The tiny Chain Chomp in the background of a room in Sluggy's fort that becomes huge and bites at the screen.
  • Sluggy the Unshaven's only 'attack' is moving slowly forward, but if he gets far enough he'll push you off the platform to your death. His weak spot is his beating heart, which shrivels and pops during his defeat, making him melt offscreen.
  • Bigger Boo gets larger as you throw eggs at him until he explodes.
  • Naval Piranha is terrifying if you imagine a giant monster plant that charges at you, and the boss itself is referencing Little Shop of Horrors.
  • When you defeat Tap-Tap the Red Nose, he falls into a pool of lava and you watch him helplessly try to swim out before sinking. Of course, that's nothing compared to Tap-Tap the Golden in Bowser's Castle.
  • The titular Fuzzies in World 1-7, 'Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy'. Touch or eat one, and watch as the world begins to wobble and warp in front of your eyes while Yoshi staggers around and the music distorts. It's worse when they reappear in Worlds 4-1 and 6-3, where they appear over large chasms, so if you touch one, you may very well stagger off the edge and towards your doom.
  • While nearly every boss suffers a quick death, Prince Froggy is defeated from his stomach. The background of his stomach slowly turns red as he gets more and more close to being defeated, and when you do defeat him, after you, ahem, leave his body through the back, Prince Froggy is spasming on the ground, clearly in pain.
  • The sound of the Lunge Fish is one of the most terrifying sounds in video games. The Lunge Fish hides in the water and suddenly lunges out, and if it eats Yoshi you instantly die.
  • Incoming Chomps, which are giant Chain Chomps that fall from the sky. Not only the fear of getting hit and falling into the holes they leave, but those faces. And these things are found in the second level of the game! Even more unsettling is the fact that they start off in the background, just bouncing around minding their business. Then you cross their field of view and suddenly turn to face you and leap towards the foreground. One can only imagine little kids playing this stage and getting scared.
  • Gargantuan Blargg and Nep-Enut can be pretty scary for kids, too, with this giant red/blue.. thing popping out of the lava/water out of nowhere, especially if you don't realize there are eyes there.
  • The chalk drawings suddenly coming to life during the train sections of the game. Especially if you're playing it for the first time as they look like harmless background scribbles.
  • The Dizzy Dandy. If you're not paying attention to them (the real ones smile, the fakes have an evil smirk on them) you'll run right into them as they suddenly drop down and roll after you.
  • The Slimes, which just fall into Uncanny Valley. They disguise themselves as block-looking platforms until you touch them, which makes them transform. The worst part is that not all of the block-like platforms are Slimes, making it hard to predict which one is a Slime or not.
  • World 6. The first five worlds in the game all have some sort of charming quality to them for the most part: Smiling flowers, adorable-looking fauna and lush-looking backgrounds. Then you find yourself in the hellish wasteland that is World 6. The ground is brown and dead, all the forest's trees have been petrified, bones and Skeleton Goonies litter the landscape and lava flows freely in nearly every level.
  • The final level is full of it:
    • In the beginning, Yoshi must turn himself into a helicopter and fly across a bottomless pit. Every so often, Kamek will swoop behind Yoshi and ambush him from behind. He also does this in the Extra Level from World 5.
    • There is an optional chase where Tap-Tap the Golden, an invincible golden version of Tap-Tap the Red Nose, is chasing Yoshi across a rocky, lava-filled area, as the screen ever so slowly autoscrolls to allow him more area to move. It doesn't help that before entering this chase, if the player wants to receive helpful information, all they get is 'RUN AWAY, HURRY!!!' in dramatically huge font, as shown in the image above. What arguably makes this even worse is that you're being chased by a boss that's Nigh Invulnerable, and is large enough that you can hear the ground quaking from every step that it takes. Your eggs manage to stun it, but that's about it. Not even it falling down a hole to its doom can stop it; it just springs forth like a proverbial bat out of Hell, and continues to chase you, its smile almost taunting you. Also, in the SNES version, the boss theme plays during this chase. But in the GBA version, the music that plays is when you're about to encounter a boss, which just makes it worse.
    • Before the final battle is another chase scene, only this one is an Auto-Scrolling Level which takes place in a creepy playroom-themed dark hallway. Kamek constantly appears from out of nowhere in various places and will zap you with his magic wand. If he misses, he will turn blocks into small enemies or stars. You can throw eggs at Kamek but he will just reappear somewhere else. All this happens while impending doom music plays.
    • In the final battle, where Baby Bowser, in an eerily designed toy room, attempts to ride (and therefore injure) Yoshi. After he has been defeated, Kamek turns him into Big Bowser. Big, meaning the castle he had occupied is completely destroyed by his transformation, and he could probably crush Yoshi with a single finger/claw. The transformation and battle is accompanied by hardcore heavy metal music, a jarring contrast to the other music in the game, and the battle is pretty much Yoshi trying to hit him with large eggs to push him back, while he is slowly coming towards you. When he is hit, he is indeed pushed back, only to then run at full speed towards Yoshi, who is standing on a small ledge (which is being destroyed by the boulders that fly in the air from Bowser's roars). If Bowser comes close enough, his stomach obliterates the ledge, leaving Yoshi unable to do anything but plummet to his death. This can be extremely scary when one is desperately trying to get him further back, knowing that he will run at full speed afterwards. What makes this even worse is that when he has one hit left, he'll continue to run towards you, and will not stop until he collides with Baby Mario and Yoshi. And when he does.. His designnote certainly doesn't help matters. At least his first form was downright Ugly Cute (and arguably even a Designated Villain at worst).
  • 'The Impossible? Maze' is one of the extra levels in Yoshi's Island, and is quite possibly one of the eeriest levels in the game. As the name suggests, it's a dark labyrinth that is seemingly endless until you know exactly what to do. It's also one of the very few levels to feature Grim Leechers, which are enemies that latch onto you and reverse your controls. And if that's not bad enough, the soundtrack that plays in this level in the 'Room Before Boss' theme.
  • Aside from in-game fuel, there's a commercial for the SNES game where some guy in a restaurant tries to eat as much as Yoshi.. and just like Mr. Creosote, the guy explodes, splattering everyone with his stomach contents (thankfully, this version of the ad only aired a few times, before being swiftly pulled and replaced with a censored version in which the splattering and exploding happens off-screen as a woman in the restaurant turns and looks to the left, and then the stomach contents spelling out 'PLAY IT LOUD' are now a rich, thin, bright, non-disgusting green slime that resembles Nickelodeon slime).
