Yoshi's Island Nightmare Fuel


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Yoshi's Crafted World is a title in the Yoshi franchise, the sixth main platform game starring Yoshi, and the follow-up to the Wii U title Yoshi's Woolly World, released for the Nintendo Switch on March 29, 2019. It was developed by Good-Feel, the developer behind Yoshi's Woolly World and its Nintendo 3DS port Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World.

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Monster? I'm not a monster. I'M A GOD!!!!!

Yoshi's Island Nightmare Fuel System


Super Mario Bros. Z manages to combine Mario, Sonic, and Dragon Ball Z together into one awesome series. It's got cool as hell moments, hilarity abound, its share of 'aww' moments, and scenes that make you wanna cry. Just like with every series that's got it all however, it's rife with it's own dark times. Given that it's a crossover series of other series that already do a good job of giving you the creeps this was bound to happen, but it manages to stand out from those series anyways.

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Only the princess was said to have the power to turn them back into their true selves.”from “Mario learns a lot of new abilities, and uses them to help seven Kings turn back into their true selves by retrieving stolen magic wands from the Koopalings. Toadstool is also rescued from Bowser.”from “Princess Toadstool gets kidnapped while the Mario Bros. Yoshis island vine. He journeys through four kingdoms encountering monsters he's never seen in his Mushroom Kingdom travels.”from “Mario discovers his Sarasaland adventure to be a trap set up by Wario in order to steal and remodel his castle. Are having fun on Yoshi's Island.Mario has to once again defeat the seven Koopalings and Bowser, but this time he has Yoshi to help him explore the vast Dinosaur Land.”from “This time, Mario ends up in Sarasaland trying to rescue Princess Daisy from an evil spaceman, Totanga.

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  • Turbo Mecha Sonic himself is the epitome of this trope, FULL. STOP. For one, he's Metal Sonic combined withother Sonic robots. Not long after his creation, he destroys the Death Egg (Eggman's moon-sized base of operations for measure) and forces it to crash land into Mobius. The result is life becoming completely unsustainable from the impact and explosion, but wait, there's more. Mecha Sonic survives the event, even without a single Chaos Emerald. Seeing the damage he's wrought triggers a thirst for power and a lust for destruction in him and he becomes the villain of the first season. He's not done proving to the viewers how nightmarish he is, oh no. He sets out to collect all seven Chaos Emeralds and killseveryonewho isn't named Sonic, Shadow, or Eggman, turning more than half the planet into a burning wasteland in the process, and nearly kills Sonic, only being stopped from doing so by Shadow showing up in the nick of time. This does nothing to deter him from chasing after the Chaos Emeralds, which end up in the Mushroom Kingdom along with the two hedgehogs. Once he makes it to the Mushroom Kingdom, he wastes no time slaughtering a Goombasimply because the poor sod didn't give a Chaos Emerald to him (and it wasn't like the Goomba could have known what it was anyways). The next time he shows up is his infamous fight with Yoshi, almost killing the poor dinosaur to get the Chaos Emerald (and says that he would have killed him anyways even if he simply handed the gemstone over). There's Sonic's nightmare sequence of him after the hedgehog's unceremonious asskicking from the Koopa Bros., and when the three way battle between the heroes, the Koopa Bros., and the Axem Rangers X was underway, he shows up and quickly turns the whole damn thing into a 'him vs. everyone else' brawl (and that's AFTER he already knocked outall of the Koopa Bros.). He achieves a semi-perfect form and kills the entire team of Axem Rangers X with no effort. He almost kills Mario afterward and charges up a massive energy sphere, which vaporizes Yoshi's Island, just barely failing to kill everyone else on it thanks to a well-timed Starman giving Mario and Sonic the edge. In the pipe maze, he comes knocking at Mario and Sonic's door with a vengeance, curb-stomping themhard in a rage over losing the Chaos Emeralds he had, and even when he's been severely weakened by the Minus World's unnatural makeup, he still manages to come out on top in the fight. Not many characters get a list of achievements in nightmare fuel like that - Only the worst of the worst do, and Mecha Sonic is no exception.
  • Admit it, the scenes where Mecha Sonic murders Sonic's friends and him gazing at the destroyed Yoshi's Island made you cringe.
  • The Axem Rangers' brutal deaths in Episode 6. Arguably the worst has to be Green, where Mecha Sonic decapitates him before crushing his head in his hand.
  • Episode 8 has a lovely scene where the viewer is treated to a closeup of a dying Rouge. Eugh..
  • Hell, any scene that has to do with the events on Mobius could qualify, since they almost always involve graphic destruction and even more graphic death.
  • The end of Episode 8, made such with that damn Cliffhanger. And given that Episode 8 was the last episode before the series was cancelled, this is what the series ended with.
  • The Minus World is historically referred to by the simple, cold moniker of 'World 36' and is revealed to be a pocket dimension from which there is no escape. During an ancient war between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Koopas, it was used as a method of execution by both sides, who would throw their prisoners down the warp pipe to starve to death; their corpses, as well as those of anyone unfortunate enough to stumble inside, litter the ground of the zone.
The Reboot
  • Metallix is the new form of Turbo Mecha Sonic as well as his old form's ultimate transformation, and just like the previous interation of him he shows the audience that he hasn't changed one bit in personality or actions. Mark Haynes/Alvin Earthworm also offhandedly states that Yoshi's ensuing fight against him will be even worse for the poor dinosaur.
  • Among the villains shown in the intro is none other than King Boo, in his Dark Moon incarnation. You know, the one that's much stronger than any other version to the point of creating battlefields from illusions, and is completely and murderously insane. Oh dear.
  • The first annual Smash tournament has been drawn out to its finals, and just as Team Mario and Team Wario are about to have at it, a Bulky Bob-omb crashes the fight and blows the entire ring up. Guess who's back? Bowser. Just like in the previous series he gets his shell soundly handed to him, but it's not as if he didn't count on it happening. He had a backup plan involving ingesting a Metal 'Shroom, and it turns him into a new form of Koopa. In short order, Mario is quickly shown to be horribly outmatched by him; Bowser's faster than before, more offensive than before, and is impervious to everything Mario can possibly throw at him. Mario is left charred after the grossly one-sided battle and would have been finished by Bowser, but then Luigi comes in to protect Mario, knowing full well that he has zero chance of doing that anyways. The Koopa King was stopped only by the very fortunate timing of Sonic and Shadow's capsule landing squarely on top of him, destroying his metal form. We all knew Bowser was a badass, but this series turns him into a legitimate terror, more like how he was portrayed in a few choice Mario titles.
  • Kamek shows us that he's not one bit the type of person afraid to resort to dirty tricks to gain the upper hand, threatening to permanently transform Princess Peach into a Goomba if Mario doesn't lay down his life. The music that plays when he's at it? The undeniably-creepy You Idiot, from Undertale. Again, if Sonic hadn't acted as soon as he did, Mario would have been killed by Bowser.



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Yoshi island flash

With fifteen note other TV Tropes pages detailing the Nightmare Fuel in different Nintendo games, and nine morenote from third-party games, it's no surprise that if you put all of these series into one game series, there are bound to be a lot of frights. There are also entries in the main Video Game section detailing the horrors in other Nintendo games. So when you combine characters from all the recognizable Nintendo franchises in one fighting game series, it might be handy to take a few deep breaths before playing.


For examples related to specific games, see their respective sub-pages:

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  • The Game Over tune succeeds way too well at creating a chilling atmosphere with its Scare Chord, all the more reason why players should not screw up.
    • In the first game, your character falls lifeless onto a table with a spotlight shining on them with the announcer asking the player if they want to continue. Select 'No', and the screen fades to black with the announcer saying 'Game Over' with accompanying text and ominous music playing before you go back to the title screen. In the second game, your character's trophy falls onto the floor in a void of darkness with the announcer asking if you will continue. If you say 'No' (or don't have enough coins to continue), the screen once again fades to black with the announcer saying 'Game Over' with the aforementioned Scare Chord. This continues in the third game's Adventure mode.
  • Master Hand can be rather creepy if not downright surreal; mainly that he's a Giant Hand of Doom fighting you. Coupled by his haunting Evil Laugh, he can prove to be rather imposing for some players.

Yoshi's Island Download

  • One of the most haunting original BGMs to ever come from the franchise is the Lonely Piano Piece playing right after defeating Master Hand in the original N64 title. The so-called 'Game Clear' music is indeed a lonely piano piece, but a horribly demented and off-key one, at that. It essentially sounds like Pyrrhic Victory in musical form.

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